Coronavirus Guidance
Over these last few months we have all had to come to terms with many of the challenges and changes that the Coronavirus pandemic has had on our everyday lives. At the Bridges Nursery Daycare Group we have been working tirelessly to ensure that all of our nurseries have take the necessary steps to minimise the risk of any exposure for our staff and our children.
We have outlined below some of the measures we have taken which is line with the latest advice and guidance provided by Public Health England. For more information around the current government guidance for Early Years settings you can find this information here.
We have implemented a number of pre-screening checks which includes all returning parents/children completing a self assessment form to identify and potential risk prior to returning to site. We have also implemented a strict child collection policy along with on site temperature checks on arrival to ensure we are taking all reasonable steps to identify anyone with potential COVID-19 symptoms.
Throughout all of our nurseries we have multiple cleaning stations that contain anti bactierial gel, wipes and other relevant provision of PPE for our staff.
We have increased our cleaning rota's and are taking additional time within our day to encourage regular hand-washing with the children.
Within our nursery's we are operating on reduced staff to child ratio numbers and also implemented age relevant group bubbles to minimise the transfer of staff members between different group of children.
By doing this we can reduce the number of interactions between indivduals within the nursery which is an important measure to minimise the chance of any spread of unfection
We are regularly communicating with our parents via out social media pages on any updates on changes in policy and we are constantly monitoring the current government advice to make sure we adhere to all relevant guidance. We know that you may have more questions so feel free to contact us via facebook or the relevant telephone/email details for your nursery which you can find on our contact page