Our aim is to provide a competetive service-affordable, quality childcare in a stimulation environment and provide your children with 1st class nursery care and pre-school education.
We provide childcare for children aged from birth to 11 years old and we provide an out of school club allowing us to provide care for your child from 7.30am until 6.00pm.
View our fees by selecting your preferred nursery below:-

Baby Place (0-2 years)
inc meals
Full Time- £255.75
Full Day- £62.95
Half Day- £36.75
Extra Hours- £9.95

Toddler Place (2-3 years)
inc meals
Full Time- £239.95
Full Day- £58.75
Half Day- £34.95
Extra Hours- £9.50

3 Year Daily Rate
inc meals
Full Day- £56.95
Half Day- £31.10
Extra Hours- £9.10

Out of School Club
(4 years/Reception+)
Before School inc Breakfast- £15.45
After School- inc snack- £16.45
Full day inc meals- £35.05
Half day inc meals- £17.55

Other Charges
£25 Registration Fee
1 Weeks deposit
Late pickup charge £15.00 for 15 mins
Late payment of fees charge of £20.00
Sibling reductions on request (applicable for full time) places only)

Our Unique Selling Points
Highly Qualified Staff
Nutritious home cooked meals included
Flexibility for Shift workers
Term time only places avaialble
15 and 30 hour free childcare places available
Is your child 3 or 4 years old? If yes, you are entitled to 15 hours FREE childcare per week the term after your child's 3rd birthday (38 weeks or stretched hours available)
Is your child 2 years old? If yes, you could be entitled to 15 hours FREE childcare the term after your childs 2nd birthday
(38 weeks or stretched hours available)